Saturday, 14 July 2012

Every girl is Beautiful..Every Guy is Handsome..

" He/She  HAD said that he/She loves me and he/She can't live without me. We had planned the color of curtains and pillows for our dream home,names for our kids.... Then why did he/She have to go? Why me ? Why it had to get over like that?", I overheard this conversation across the table over coffee in ccd. No, I wasn't eavesdropping, just heard it out of my curiosity to know why the young lady sitting with a friend was sobbing over coffee.
"Lonely Girl"

No, it's not your mistake dear. I wanted to walk to her and remind her that she is an amazing person, she has many people in her life who care for her(Friends and Family).  I wanted to remind her that she is beautiful. That her life has purpose and meaning. She is one of God's creations, out here on a mission. Now, instead of sulking and trying to get back with someone who doesn't value you and your emotions,... look ahead.
Go and take a walk in the Garden, look at how the birds are happy and free,they don't sit and sob.(Ok, in case they do, I have missed that sight)., read a new book, or take a different route home, walk, discover your town. Pick up something to munch on in the meanwhile. Love yourself, because You my dear are YOU(don't underestimate your own importance).

Remember: There can never be another you. Like all members in a musical Band play their own instruments. I wouldn't like to see the lead vocalist playing drums, forgetting himself. Or a band without a drummer or Guitarist because they lost themselves in search of love, which was never theirs. It would be such a loss, losing love( therefore carrying a broken heart  + losing yourself ) The world will never have anyone to replace you, no one else,
I repeat NO ONE ELSE will ever be able to play your role in this play of life..

Like Shakespeare has rightly said,
" All the World's a stage"

You are special. Everyone among us is.

"Every girl is beautiful in her own unique way,
Every guy is handsome. "

So realize your worth, and expand the span of your thinking. Give time to yourself. Try to meet the real you. Having given everyone time in your life beginning from your pet, to your clients, friends, family, don't you feel it's high time you know yourself better.
Go ask yourself out for a date. And don't forget to dress up well,and I expect you to gift yourself some chocolates or roses too :)
Thanks for reading, I hope you make the most out of this.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Nothing is right or wrong

He is a criminal. Sapna, he has a heart of stone. What is wrong with you? Why don’t you understand that he’s wrong? and we can’t support him for long this way…“,Sapna walks up to her mother and holds her hands.Its dark outside, the same way as it is dark in the hearts of Politicians in Urban India. Cold wind struggles against the window to push in and chill those alive to the bone.”Mom, he is my husband., I know him well and when Baburam(her husband) was charged with drunken driving following an accident on Mumbai-Goa Highway, didn’t we know he was innocent. Don’t we know who played smart there,..and escaped punishment?“, sulking under her voice, and rubbing those red teary eyes with heavy bags underneath due to lack of sleep, Sapna this 36 year old stood there, her face glowing as a million ignitions took place in her heart. She knew, that her husband was a criminal in every one’s eyes. But then, above all she was the one who can see beyond what others see.

Yes this woman, does not belong here. She belongs to that world where there is life beyond right and wrong. People are all treated equally, none is a slave to the other, and there they are what they are. No one puts up definitions of sin, or righteousness.Thereby eliminating the need of people being judged by Law or convicted for their conduct.
That dark night in Dharavi, Mumbai, in a slum where nothing but Sapna’s unwavering faith in her husband lit up the room, is the story of millions here. 37 % of India’s population is below the poverty line, the many drivers, domestic helps, gardeners, watchmen, doormen these men belong to that world. Baburam had assassinated his Master Mr. Maety, who was an MLA. And that was because of the fury that took root after being blamed of the accident, the many sleepless nights he spent in jail and the way his family survived in bare minimum resources awaiting his return, he knew he was not wrong. He had crossed the line containing these norms, as it never brought justice to the poor, to the sufferers. He was just himself, Baburam, driver and a family man.
Shakespeare puts it in this way in his play Hamlet -

In this act, when Hamlet calls Denmark a prison he draws parallels to the fact that he is a prisoner of his own mind.He is mentally and physically confined by the gaze of the king and his agents, and he feels trapped in the court’s general degradation.  He is aware of his knowledge that his stepfather is a fratricide and his mother incestuous. This is evident by the use of the statement “there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” he’s not indulging in ethical relativism as much as wishing for blissful ignorance.
What have you, my good friends, deserv’d at the hands of fortune, that she sends you to prison hither?
Prison, my lord?
Denmark’s a prison.
Then is the world one.
A goodly one, in which there are many confines, wards, and dungeons, Denmark being one o’ th’ worst.
We think not so, my lord.
Why then ’tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison.
Hamlet Act 2, scene 2, 239–251
And my intention behind publishing this post is therefore a humble request to readers., before you judge anyone as ‘Right or Wrong’ you need to know that what you see or know of them might turn out to be just a reaction to life’s injustice inflicted upon them. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Happy Monday People :)

Its my Happy Monday....
Wishing all my people the same :)
Afterall it has been a longtime.... that I've smiled...
Thanking all my friends, this morning by the lake, as I watched the calm waters... I realized the inner peace that Master Shifu (from Kung Fu Panda) talks about... !! Its beautiful, when God's love pours down...
Those blessed rains... Feels like every green leaf is smiling at me, the winds go crazy, infatuated with dark clouds... Their mysterious veil is enchanting., the golden smile of the sun is smothered.
As rain drops touch my face, I feel its the skies, heaven itself kissing me. As this love trickles down, I am free from my worries, and inside me an urge to live lights up, all the dark gloomy shadows of my past that Haunted me, leave me and go to find peace for themselves..
And I feel waves of Happiness, these rains washing away all the flaws and imperfections in this world...
I hear my heart talk to the birds, asking them to rhyme its beating... and its actually just Magic...
Love, Live and Hug life.. Hold on to its promises.., They are real..
Smile,, without waiting for reasons....I bet. Live in the present moment. Life itself will have a crush on you.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

I don't wanna cry

Sometimes dark clouds shadow the colored canvas of my relationships,
My family, who I share this painting with, 
They who add color to my life, 
while I am the outline, incomplete without them
In the absence of these colors, 
my heart dies, slowing it's pace
Its a sisters love, that you insulted today,
When you threw me out of your house,
It wasn't just me, I wasn't alone
With me, I have the memories
Which you can never kill
with that knife of your Ignorance and Wrath
I gave up, for you, the many things I could do
I still remember How we've fought for silly things
I can't forget How we've shared a million smiles
The long days we've spent arguing 
Pissing off each other off limits
Those walks to home after school
That way you checked my cellphone every other day
The long arguments we had on stupid guys and their calls
Those tears, and that careless laughter
Today that you've turned your back to me,
I know your life's a mess right now
But trust me, give me a chance
I'll trade my life to get you back your smiles
I've forgotten how to laugh
I've forgotten how to live
I miss you every single minute,
I know you shall come searching one day,
but i promise i'll be gone,
You've deprived me of peace for a lifetime,
But I shall never forget 
How the world was colorful, How the sun shone brightly 
How I smiled with you by my side...
And my soul shall crave to get your love back
You were much more than a brother 
We did not share blood, no such bond
But you completed my picture with your presence
And I shall meet you again someday when you need me
'cause its immortal, the love we share

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

This Rainy Night

It was drizzling, another dark night in Mumbai. We walked quietly down the wet streets. You said," How I wish we were in Srinagar, it snows there..", and I hugged myself arms folded across my chest and then rubbed my hands, shivered and said," Honey, its snowing. We need to reach home fast...".You looked at me and it dawned on you. You shivered and started rubbing your hands! Then as we walked down the street, I held you by your arm. With my head resting on your shoulder, we walked quietly. We were alone, only the sounds of our footsteps echoed. You started singing," All I ever wanted Was to see you smiling "
I rhyme with you and  I continued, " I know that I love you Oh baby why don't you see? "


The way you hold my hand,
Together as we sing,
I feel the world gets perfect 
When you walk with me
It adds meaning to my life 
When you and I become we
When feelings like butterflies
Open their wings and set free
I breathe in your love
I hear your heart beat
I know anywhere you go in this world
This connection, this invisible pull
Shall bring us back here
From where we've started

This dark night, walking hand in hand down a lonely lane in Mumbai.......this beautiful imagination that we have weaved together. The world comes to a standstill and we shall stay here forever living and reliving these moments of sharing one life, one destiny, one soul.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The rains are here, Every drop blessing earth with life
bringing joy to dark and cloudy eyes
gifting smiles to all the rich and the poor
Sumptuous love for greenery they possess
making every little child jump with joy..
Bringing sweet memories back to those who have loved,
Bringing down to our planet, blessings from our Father
Times and situations to offer helping hands
Reminding every soul to laugh and share
teaching every heart to love and care
paper boats sailing down the sidewalk
Instill the urge to forget past and move on 
As swiftly as rain water flows
It pulls down curtains over past hurt and worry
Calling out to break free from shackles of shibboleath,
Smile as the shimmering rays of the sun
Tune to the cadence of falling rain
The callous summer heat has gone 
Berserk winds besotted by dark clouds,
Quash pain and relief to dry earth
Everywhere dwells joy and peace,
rain washes off pain, misery and grief.