Saturday, 14 July 2012

Every girl is Beautiful..Every Guy is Handsome..

" He/She  HAD said that he/She loves me and he/She can't live without me. We had planned the color of curtains and pillows for our dream home,names for our kids.... Then why did he/She have to go? Why me ? Why it had to get over like that?", I overheard this conversation across the table over coffee in ccd. No, I wasn't eavesdropping, just heard it out of my curiosity to know why the young lady sitting with a friend was sobbing over coffee.
"Lonely Girl"

No, it's not your mistake dear. I wanted to walk to her and remind her that she is an amazing person, she has many people in her life who care for her(Friends and Family).  I wanted to remind her that she is beautiful. That her life has purpose and meaning. She is one of God's creations, out here on a mission. Now, instead of sulking and trying to get back with someone who doesn't value you and your emotions,... look ahead.
Go and take a walk in the Garden, look at how the birds are happy and free,they don't sit and sob.(Ok, in case they do, I have missed that sight)., read a new book, or take a different route home, walk, discover your town. Pick up something to munch on in the meanwhile. Love yourself, because You my dear are YOU(don't underestimate your own importance).

Remember: There can never be another you. Like all members in a musical Band play their own instruments. I wouldn't like to see the lead vocalist playing drums, forgetting himself. Or a band without a drummer or Guitarist because they lost themselves in search of love, which was never theirs. It would be such a loss, losing love( therefore carrying a broken heart  + losing yourself ) The world will never have anyone to replace you, no one else,
I repeat NO ONE ELSE will ever be able to play your role in this play of life..

Like Shakespeare has rightly said,
" All the World's a stage"

You are special. Everyone among us is.

"Every girl is beautiful in her own unique way,
Every guy is handsome. "

So realize your worth, and expand the span of your thinking. Give time to yourself. Try to meet the real you. Having given everyone time in your life beginning from your pet, to your clients, friends, family, don't you feel it's high time you know yourself better.
Go ask yourself out for a date. And don't forget to dress up well,and I expect you to gift yourself some chocolates or roses too :)
Thanks for reading, I hope you make the most out of this.